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Uber/Lyft Accidents

Uber/Lyft Accidents

Ridesharing companies like Uber and Lyft are increasingly popular. These services offer a convenient means of transportation that is often more affordable and reliable than a taxi service. With the touch of a screen, your Uber or Lyft mobile app can quickly schedule a ride and get you where you need to go.

With any type of ridesharing or public transportation, there is always a question of safety. Some of the most common questions riders have about Uber and Lyft include:

  • Are Uber and Lyft drivers trained and properly licensed and insured?
  • Are Uber and Lyft drivers screened for criminal history?
  • What happens if I am injured in an accident while riding in an Uber or Lyft vehicle?
  • Will my insurance cover me if I am hit by an Uber or Lyft driver?
  • What happens if an Uber or Lyft driver assaults me?

Get Answers To Your Uber And Lyft Legal Questions

California has passed several laws designed to protect Uber and Lyft riders, or those who have been hit by an Uber or Lyft vehicle. Still, it can be difficult to make sense of these laws and what they mean for you if you have been involved in an accident. Here are a few things you should know about Uber and Lyft accidents in California:

  • Companies like Uber and Lyft are required to carry insurance specific to rideshare companies. This insurance has higher coverage than traditional policies.
  • Uber and Lyft both designate their drivers as independent contractors, rather than employees. This has resulted in a number of disputes over liability when accidents occur. Some disputes involve Uber or Lyft (or applicable insurance carriers) refusing to pay for injuries.
  • All drivers in California are required to carry liability insurance. Any driver deemed responsible for causing an accident, or for being at fault, is required to compensate parties who are injured. This can be done via a personal injury claim or insurance claim

Even with insurance and liability laws, companies like Uber and Lyft continue to dispute liability.

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